
Student-Teacher Ratio 4:1

The Great Casowasco Challenge, June 25-30

  • Game on, Casowasco Warriors! Think of this as Reality TV meets Color Games meets Crazy Casowasco Olympics. Love sports like soccer or basketball? Are you more the creative-type looking for a starring role or wanting to mold and paint? Enjoy crazy camp games like GaGa or 9 Square in the Air? Or do you enjoy puzzle-solving, code-deciphering, and all around general wackiness? If any of these are you, then pack your super hero cape and get ready for TGCC!

You Can’t Do That at Camp: Outrageous Edition, July 2-7 or July 9-14

  • Original You Can’t returns, but this time it’s the Outrageous Edition! As a You Can’ter, choose a Club like Sports, Creative Arts, The Great Outdoors, or Fusion (combine two or more camptivities and create a brand new one!) for the morning and then two or three camptivities like Archery, SUP, Friendship Bracelets, or Wacky Games (like GaGa!), etc., for your afternoon or evening. Get ready for making Outrageous friends, experiencing Outrageous fun and discovering how Outrageous life is as a Jesus follower!

You Can’t Do That at Camp: Outrageous Tweekers, July 2-14 (Two Week)

  • What’s a Tweeker? A camper who spends TWO weeks plus an Outrageous weekend at Casowasco! This is summer camp as it is meant to be. Some say the Tweekend is the most amazing part…others just love being at Casowasco longer and even say two weeks is not long enough. So, what is it really? Well, You Can’t is a legacy camp program filled with the craziest camp ideas you can imagine…Outrageous is defined by the dictionary as exceeding the limits of what is usual or fantastic. 

Campolodeon, July 9-14

  • Experience an Ooey-gooey S’mores Campfire, awesome camptivities (like swimming, kayaking, sling shots, crafts, and more), Skittle Skattle Battle, Ice Cream for Breakfast (That’s right — Breakfast!), and earning all kinds of beads…we do it all. Oh yeah, Campo is the program where you might get slimed (or maybe make it to take home)! Play GaGa, go jump in the lake, and use your detective skills to solve a mystery or win a scavenger hunt. Meet new friends and hang out with cool counselors. Get here for HUGE fun, HUGE new experiences, and HUGE opportunities to learn about God.

Time Jumpers, July 16-21

  • Jump in our TARDIS and join Dr. Who for a spin, climb aboard the WABAC with Mr. Peabody and Sherman for a trip through time, or get your seatbelt on with Marty and Doc Brown in a time machine made from a modified DeLorean DMC-12…however you do it, get here! Experience Gold Rush excitement in the Wild West, search for buried treasure with pirates, or durst ye try your hand at archery or jousting or juggling during Medieval Mayhem! The perfect opportunity to race through time, so get your poodle skirt, toga, chain mail, leg warmers, or tie dye on for this mad dash through the decades!

JAM, July 23-28

  • JAM at Casowasco exists to bring together the best of summer…sunshine, friends, music, water, expressing yourself in new ways, and learning about God. Enjoy a jammin’ week…soak in the views, play in and on the water (Try SUP or catch a fish), make music with friends, star in tonight’s chapel skit, or create with a new medium every day. Choose your camptivities — discover new ones or enjoy the tried and true. Bring your instrument and gather ‘round the campfire for a JAM session! Get ready to celebrate a special birthday on July 31 and participate in your first Quidditch Tourney. Join the fun for the Beach Bum Water Carnival! Perform for Casowasco’s Got Talent! Every day will be JAM-packed with fun and friends.

Club Casowasco, July 30-August 4

  • Enjoy your own resort hideaway on Owasco Lake! Choose your camptivities while enjoying camp-wide special events and theme days. Special events like the Casowasco Regatta, Amazing Race, and Open Mic/Improv Night as well as theme days like C5 (Cosmic Casowasco Cartoon Comic Con), Wacky Wednesday (what will happen next?), Tropical Thursday, and Casowasco Spirit Day! Get your costumes ready and be ready to rock the dock at the Club!

Summer’s Last Blast, August 6-11

  • Our last youth camp program session is loaded with all the incredible stuff that makes camp rock! We only have six days to celebrate so expect a schedule that’s packed with the best camptivities and special events of 2023. You’ll have to make hard choices about your schedule to do it all, but at least you’ll have plenty of fun trying. Celebrate at a Special SLB Party…have more than the legal amount of fun and experience end of summer at your home away from home, Casowasco!

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About Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center
Experience Fun, Faith, and Friends at Casowasco this summer! Casowasco’s summer youth camp sessions include a full range of camptivities as well as faith…
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