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Camp del Corazon is an organization that provides a medically supervised, residential summer camp for children ages 7-17 who are living with heart disease, as well as additional programs for these children and their families. Impact of camp studies prove that camp helps to strengthen the confidence and self-esteem of children and your support will give these very special children life-altering experiences that cannot be put into words. As a testament to the impact the camp has on these young souls, most return year after year to relive experiences they can get nowhere else. Still, there are hundreds of children we are not able to serve each year due to the tremendous resources required to make it happen.
Camp del Corazón changed the trajectory of my daughter’s life which in turn changed mine as well. She has developed critical skills required for operating in the real world as a person with disabilities. Her confidence and will to succeed even when challenging obstacles are presented have significantly developed and allowed her to really blossom. She’s elevated her social skills and looks forward to making new connections.
Parents recommend Camp Del Corazon Inc and the average rating is 5 out of 5. Overall, the reviews indicate that Camp Del Corazon Inc provides engaging and enjoyable experiences for children.
What ages can go to Camp Del Corazon Inc?
Camp Del Corazon Inc has camps for children for all ages. Age-appropriate activities are designed to engage and inspire children at different developmental stages.