Drawing 101 - This class puts the emphasis on tonal drawings. Small compositional studies are used for framing and quick drawing.. The use of shapes and patterns of light and dark are emphasized. Learn the grayscale using graphite pencils working with still life and learning how light affects objects.
Sketching - In order to create detailed drawings; one must learn how to sketch. Drawing loose, drawing through, and drawing with rhythm is the beginning of each class. Warm-up with marker boards or paper and don't be afraid of mistakes. Learn through them and become skilled after the first class. Learn to draw the figure, animals, characters, still life, and landscapes. Learn proportions, construction using simple shapes. Learn to create a story on paper and use gradations and color harmony.
Each student is asked what they like to draw which keeps it exciting and unique.
Paint A Decorative Pumpkin with a step by step easy to follow instruction taught by a professional artist.
Acrylic on Canvas. Any rectangle size canvas will do. At least 3 different size brushes. Large flat, medium flat, pointed tip. Paints: Acrylic white, bright yellow, neon orange, orange, burnt sienna, lime green, dark green, black. Keep water clean throughout the painting. Paper towels, cup of water, palette knife, paper plate or tray for colors. Set up colors next to one another and according to lightest to darkest. (white, yellow, light orange, dark orange, sienna, light green, dark green and black. Make sure the colors are near edge of tray so you can mix colors in the middle of tray.
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