
5 Ways to Help Kids Learn a Language

The benefits of knowing a second language are multi-fold. It can increase your children’s future job opportunities, enrich travel experiences and stimulate their minds in new and exciting ways. If you’re not bilingual yourself (or all you have is a couple of years of high school Spanish), you may think you’re not equipped to help […]

Reading Academics Creative Writing

Best Books to Get Your Middle Schooler Interested in Reading

If your middle schooler hasn’t fallen in love with reading, take a look at this list of books. From fantasy to non-fiction to movie stories and more …


Everything is Awesome: Lego Activities

If you have a Lego lover, or even if you don’t, you can have some fun and creative activities with these everlasting bricks. These Lego activity ideas require minimal prep time and as long as you have Legos (or Duplos for the younger crowd) somewhere in your house, you are already halfway prepared. I pull […]

Adventure/Outdoors Play/Outdoor

Where to Dig for Buried Treasure in the United States

What kid doesn’t dream about becoming a pirate and digging up buried treasure to fill their chest? You may not be able to sail the bounding seas on your summer vacation, but you and your kids can enjoy nature while digging for buried treasure across the U.S. From gold and gems to actual dinosaur fossils, […]

Parenting Resources

Grow Without the Dirt – Gardening Indoors With Kids

With spring on the horizon, most of us start to plan our garden. At least here in my Chicago suburban home, planning our summer garden is one of the ways that our family survives the final push of winter weather. I can make it through any random April (or May!) snowstorm if I know that […]

Time-Saving Tips for Busy Moms

7 Unique Birthday Party Ideas

Your child is special so why shouldn’t his birthday be just as special? When celebrating with friends and family at your home, you can make it themed like a birthday party place. With a little creativity, coming up with unique birthday party ideas can be super easy and super cheap. Most of the party idea decorations can […]

Super Activities for Super Kids

5 Ways to Celebrate Dr. Seuss Week

With his birthday on March 2nd, celebrate this week — also dubbed ‘Read Across America‘ — with fun, wacky words and silly stories with these great ideas. With the groundhog seeing his shadow, winter seems to drone on, so why not add some Wacky fun to March with a little Dr. Seuss. Make Green Eggs […]

After-School Activities

Video Production Camp and Claymation For Beginner from KMVT

Does your child want a skill they can keep after camp is over? Are they interested in making videos on their cell phones or devices?  KMVT is offering an Intro to Video Production camp that engages students in fun, hands-on-activities where they will learn behind-the-scenes production skills while introducing youths to production experience in a […]

Supermoms in the Spotlight

5 Best Board Games to Trick Your Kids Into Learning while Playing

These days, most kids are heavily into video games and apps, but there is much to be said for a good old fashioned board game. No matter how old your kids are, sitting down for some dedicated time together will thrill them (even if they won’t admit it). Most Americans tend to stick to the […]


Silly Superstitions to Celebrate With Kids

Whether or not you are superstitious yourself, you and your kiddos can probably name a few common superstitions. Beware of black cats crossing your path. Never walk under a ladder. Keep your eyes peeled for four leaf clovers. And for heavens sake, eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away. There are so […]

Parenting Resources

Is Your Kid Addicted to Minecraft? Here’s Why You Should Learn to Play Too

My 12 year old son loves Minecraft and plays almost every day online either solo or with friends. And when he’s not building or adventuring, he’s watching YouTube videos of others playing and building. Seems like an addiction, right? That depends on your perspective. I have to say that I thought his hours of Minecraft […]

Super Activities for Super Kids

10 Board Games for the Family

Board games for the family is a classic past time. They a perfect for bringing the family together during a game night or entertaining the children on a rainy day. There’s no shortage of games out there but when playing with children, it can be difficult to decide on a game the whole family will enjoy. […]

After-School Activities

Family Friend Mardi Gras

Fat Tuesday can be a fun new tradition for your family to celebrate every year. You don’t need to bring the R-rated wildness into your living room, but you can certainly highlight the culture, music, and food of New Orleans into your home each year. Our family of three have been celebrating Mardi Gras every […]

Keeping Kids Active, Healthy + Engaged

Indoor Gardening With Kids

It may be the end of January but the sun is shining in our neck of the woods, which is actually pretty unusual for this time of year.  I live in the Pacific Northwest and it is usually freezing in January! Whether the sun is shining in your area or not, this is the time […]

Parenting Resources

How to Teach Your Child to Hand Sew

How to Teach Your Child to Hand Sew Sewing seems to be one of those lost arts. Ready made clothing is available everywhere. Bedding and kitchen cloths are at our disposal. Why sew any more? First, because it is one of those lost arts. Second, it is a skill that will remain with you and […]